Monthly travel card

Prices for monthly tickets for the Tübingen city tariff

Monthly travel card for adults

A monthly travelcard is always valid for one calendar month and is valid until 12.00 noon on the first working day of the following month. This applies not only to you, but also to other people to whom you can give the card.

Important! Whoever is traveling with your monthly ticket should have it to hand in case of an inspection.

The ticket is valid within the Tübingen city fare zone (transit map). 

Monthly tickets are available from our ticket machines, at our points of sale and from Deutsche Bahn ticket machines. Monthly passes with KreisBonusCard can only be purchased at our sales outlets.

Holders of the KreisBonusCard who are resident in Tübingen can purchase discounted tickets (4-trip adult or child tickets, monthly adult tickets and monthly student tickets) at certain TüBus sales outlets. This offer is only valid in the Tübingen city tariff.

General information on the KreisBonusCard can be obtained from the Tübingen District Office.

* FSJ = Voluntary Social Year; BFD = Federal Voluntary Service

Monthly travel card for pupils, apprentices, students, FSJ*/BFD* participants with KreisBonusCard

A monthly travel card is always valid for one calendar month until 12.00 noon on the first working day of the following month.

Important! When buying the monthly student travel card and in the event of a ticket check, persons over age 15 must present a pupil or student identification card or an FSJ/BFD certificate.

The ticket is valid within the Tübingen city fare zone (transit map). 
After the end of school, the monthly student travel card turns into a travel card that entitles the holder to free public transport within the whole naldo area – from 1.15 pm on school days and movable holidays and even all day on public holidays, on school holidays and at weekends.

Monthly student travel cards are available at our points of sale and at the ticket machines on the buses.

Important! When buying the monthly student travel card and in the event of a ticket check, persons above age 15 must present a pupil or student identification card or an FSJ/BFD certificate.

Holders of the KreisBonusCard who live in Tübingen can buy discounted tickets (4-trip tickets for adults or children, monthly travel card for adults and monthly student travel card) at selected TüBus points of sale. This option is only available within the Tübingen city fare zone. The bonus monthly student travel card can only be acquired if there is no entitlement to cost coverage for school transport as part of the Education and Participation Package and this is verified by means of a notice of rejection. The notice of rejection must not be older than one year. The special regulations of the naldo fare provisions for the Tübingen city fare zone apply.

General information about the KreisBonusCard is available from the District Office Tübingen.

9am monthly travel card

The 9am monthly travel card is valid from 9 am on Mondays to Fridays and all day on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays as well as on 24/12 and 31/12, in each case until close of operations (if applicable, including night transport lines).

In general, a monthly travel card is always valid for one calendar month until 12.00 noon on the first working day of the following month.

The ticket is valid within the Tübingen city fare zone (transit map). 

You can buy the 9am monthly travel card at our ticket machines, at our points of sale and at the ticket machines of Deutsche Bahn. 

9am monthly travel card for senior citizens

The 9am monthly travel card is valid from 9.00 am on Mondays to Fridays and all day on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays as well as on 24/12 and 31/12, in each case until close of operations (if applicable, including night transport lines).

In general, a monthly travel card is always valid for one calendar month until 12.00 noon on the first working day of the following month.

The ticket is valid within the Tübingen city fare zone (transit map). 

You can buy the 9am monthly travel card at our ticket machines, at our points of sale and at the ticket machines of Deutsche Bahn.

Monthly travel card for preschool children

The monthly travel card for preschool children is the perfect ticket for all children who travel to preschool by public transport unaccompanied. It is valid within the entire naldo area from the place of residence to the preschool and always runs for one calendar month until 12.00 noon on the first working day of the following month. The ticket is not transferrable and does not include any additional passenger options.

The ticket is valid within the Tübingen city fare zone (transit map). 

You can buy monthly travel cards for your preschool children at selected points of sale.