Single day ticket

Day ticket

Adults (from age 15)

€ 5,40

Children (6 - 14 years)

€ 2,90

Group (up to 5 persons)

€ 13,00

Preschool groups (up to 25 persons, including no more than five accompanying persons)

€ 13,00

State family passes (all persons entered)

€ 13,00

Metropol 1st person

€ 24,00

Metropol 2nd to 5th person

je € 7,00

Worth it from the 2nd trip!

Single day ticket

A single day ticket is valid all day until 5.00 am on the following day. The ticket need not be validated separately; the day of validity is printed on it.

The ticket is valid within the Tübingen city fare zone (transit map). 

Up to four children under age six can travel at no extra charge if accompanied by an adult in possession of a valid day ticket.

A day ticket already pays off from the second trip.

You can buy day tickets – always for the current calendar day – 

  • directly at the ticket machine – or predated for future days of validity at our points of sale
  • online in the naldo ticket shop
  • as a naldo mobile ticket directly in the naldo app. One-time registration is all it takes! The naldo app is available for free for iOS and Android smartphones.

Group day ticket

A group day ticket is valid from purchase until 5.00 am on the following day. The ticket need not be validated separately; the day of validity is printed on it. It is valid from 8.30 am on Mondays to Fridays and all day at weekends and on public holidays.

The ticket is valid within the Tübingen city fare zone (transit map). 

The group day ticket is valid for groups of up to five persons of any age. Preschool groups of up to 25 persons, including no more than five accompanying persons, also only need one group day ticket.

What’s more: All persons entered in a state family pass can travel together with a group day ticket. State family passes can be requested from the local mayor’s offices free of charge and regardless of income. The following persons are entitled to a state family pass:

  • Families with at least three children in the household 
  • Single parents with at least one child
  • Families with a severely disabled child 

Tagestickets erhalten Sie – immer für den aktuellen Kalendertag –

  • direkt am Automaten – oder auch für künftige Gültigkeitstage vordatiert an unseren Verkaufsstellen.
  • online im naldo-Ticket-Shop
  • als naldo-Handy-Ticket direkt in der naldo-App. Eine einmalige Registrierung reicht! Die naldo-App ist kostenlos für iOS- und Android-Smartphones verfügbar.

Metropol day ticket

This ticket lives up to its name: The Metropol day ticket allows up to five persons travel across nine transport association areas around the Stuttgart metropolitan area from 9.00 am to 3.00 am on the following day, including in Tübingen, of course. By the way, the ticket is even valid all day at weekends and on public holidays.

Parents and grandparents (no more than two adults) can take any number of their own children or grandchildren up to and including age 14 with them at no extra charge.
Children up to and including age 5 travel at no extra charge and do not need their own ticket. Also available for 1st class. 

Das MetropolTagesTicket können Sie für den aktuellen Kalendertag direkt am Fahrscheinautomaten, bei unseren Verkaufsstellen oder im naldo-Ticket-Shop kaufen.

You can buy the Metropol day ticket for the current calendar day directly at the ticket machine, at our points of sale or in the naldo ticket shop.